¡Aviso Importante! El congreso se realizara de forma presencial en el salón de actos de la facultad de trabajo social de la universidad de huelva

Comité Científico

Prof. D. Antonio Verdejo-García


Associate professor in the School of Psychological Sciences and the Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences at Monash University. NHMRC Leadership Fellow. Co-Chair, Neuroscience. Interest Group, International Society of Addiction Medicine. Leader, Science Stream, Monash Addiction Research Centre. Deputy Lead, Addiction and Mental Health Program, Turner Institute for Brain ....


Associate professor in the School of Psychological Sciences and the Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences at Monash University. NHMRC Leadership Fellow.
Co-Chair, Neuroscience. Interest Group, International Society of Addiction Medicine. Leader, Science Stream, Monash Addiction Research Centre. Deputy Lead, Addiction and Mental Health Program, Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health. Fellow of the Young Academy of Spain. Melbourne. Australia.